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2 Great Local Music Festivals in August

Who doesn't love a great music festival! Next month, Rotation Records is pleased to be involved with 2 local Music Festivals! Be sure to check them both out.

LIBERTY MUSIC FEST - August 16-20th

This year, The 6th Annual Liberty Musicfest will take place Aug 16th thru 20th and we are blowing it up more then ever before!! We are hosting it again at The Grape Room (Grape St Pub) ad also Broken Goblet Brewery. We are going to shut down Grape St. on Sat and Sun. with an outdoor stage. From 12pm till 8pm the LMF will be free to all!!!! Yes Free!!! Manayunk has tremendous street traffic and we want to increase the artists visibility to a wider audience! The street will be lined with vendors, sponsor tables and pro stage and sound. There will be 70+ artist performances, Meet the Wed/Thursday Bands:

ROTATION SHOWCASE will be on Saturday August 19th at the 2nd Floor Lounge Featuring:

2nd Fl. Lounge 10.50pm DJ 21HNDRD 10:10 PM Adrean Black 9.10pm Camp Candle 8.30pm The Duke Brothers 7:40 PM 7:00-pm Prin$e Alexander Rotation Records Showcase 6:10-6:40pm Scott C 5:35-6:05pm R-Lyn and Justified Rhythm 5:00-5:30pm Lowk3y 4:30- 4:55pm Wiggz 4:00-4:25pm Marc J 3:30-3:55pm Shampz 3:00-3:25pm Stonie


Mermaid Lake, Blue Bell

2nd Annual LakeFest at Mermaid Lake Hosted by: Rotation Records and The Whitpain Tavern Music, lots of Food, Full Bar, vendors, family fun and games, bands all day on 3 stages including a family/kids stage. Benefiting the Whitpain Recreation Association and Center Square Fire Department The Sofa Kings AM Radio Musician Impossible Dead Flowers Catullus IV Stone Band Brighton Road Rhodes Less Traveled Montoj Danielle and Jennifer Joe Mulroy Jesse Lopez and much more...


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Rotation II & Rotation III  : 204 Dekalb Street, Norristown, PA 19401

Mailing Address: 1728 Dekalb Street, Norristown, PA 19401


484-231-8202 (Call or Text)

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